The aftermath of pregnancy can leave a woman feeling less like herself after the huge changes that occur after having a child. Living in a body that doesn’t feel like your own can be discouraging, and with a newborn, an intense exercise regimen isn’t always an option. 

While we believe all bodies are beautiful, we also understand the very real desire to restore your pre-baby body. You shouldn’t feel ashamed for focusing on yourself, and a Mommy Makeover is the perfect way to do just that. 

Typically this post-birth treatment includes liposuction, a tummy tuck, and breast augmentation, lift, or reduction. The Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures to enhance the post-baby body. These procedures are typically performed as a single out-patient procedure, but we understand that all mothers have different needs and financial situations and we can customize a surgical treatment schedule to make the process more enjoyable.

Since no two mothers are alike, no two Mommy Makeovers are either. During your initial consultation, we will talk to your individual concerns including what areas of your body you want to change, and your ideal outcome.

It’s important to have realistic expectations and we’re here to educate you and to provide you with the best results possible.

Tummy Tuck

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess fat and skin and restores weakened muscles to create a smoother, firmer stomach area. As every mother knows, growing a baby in your belly doesn’t exactly leave your abdomen feeling strong. Watching celebrities go from birth to bikinis can be frustrating: a tummy tuck will help you feel just as empowered to show off your post-baby tummy. With incisions made discreetly, you won’t have to worry about trading excess skin for visible scars.


For most women, pregnancy means weight gain. However, that weight isn’t always distributed evenly and can creep up in unexpected areas like the upper arms, thighs, and back. During a Mommy Makeover consultation, we’ll help determine which areas to remove excess fat from in order to help you feel more like yourself. 

Breast Augmentation

Let’s be candid: breast-feeding and pregnancy can have an impact on the shape and size of your breasts. Whether you enjoyed the extra size that came with pregnancy, or couldn’t wait to go back to your original cup size, the process can leave your chest area looking very different. Since every mother has different breasts, this part of the procedure will be totally dependent on what you are looking for. Often times childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding can leave breasts deflated or drooping; for this woman, we’d discuss silicone or saline implants, fat transfer, or simply a breast lift to leave the breasts looking perkier and firmer. For the woman who feels too top-heavy, and may not like the look of her new chest, we also offer breast reductions.

Since each patient is unique and has different expectations of their results, the best way to get your pre-baby body back is to come into our boutique practice for a Cosmetic Consultation with Dr. Fazilat and his highly- trained staff. We want to help you feel like yourself again.  Get in touch with us by calling (650) 964-2200.

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