As the number of bariatric surgeries increase each year; post-bariatric surgery has become a popular procedure performed by Dr. Shahin Fazilat to tighten skin after weight loss. While bariatric surgery can help you attain your ideal body weight, it can also leave you with excess skin and fat in many different parts of your body.
Our Approach to Post-Bariatric Procedures
During your initial consultation about a post-bariatric procedure to tighten skin after weight loss with Dr. Fazilat, he will discuss the options and alternatives in great detail. This will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you.
Patients who undergo post-bariatric surgery with Dr. Fazilat typically have one or more of these conditions:
- Excess skin or loose skin
- Pockets or deposits of fat that won’t go away
- Stretch marks
- A weak abdomen
- A loss of your waistline