Labiaplasty surgery, also known as cosmetic gynecology, labia reduction, vaginal rejuvenation, vaginal lip reduction, or vaginoplasty, is a procedure performed by Dr. Shahin Fazilat to decrease the size and improve the appearance of enlarged or asymmetrical labia minora. The enlarged labia may cause some women to experience discomfort with pinching or pulling during certain activities. Childbirth may also cause the labia to become stretched and enlarged, so reconstruction after childbirth may become necessary. Labiaplasty can reduce this discomfort and enlargement with a simple out-patient procedure to create a smaller, thinner, more comfortable size and shape.
The SF | Bay Area Plastic Surgery difference
Labiaplasty surgery is a procedure that Dr. Fazilat performs in his practice to preserve the natural contour, pigmentation, and sensation of the labia minor with minimal scars. Typically, a labiaplasty is performed as an out-patient procedure under local anesthesia; surgical times are 1 to 1.5 hours.
Small incisions are made to remove any excess tissue and/or to even out the edges of the labia minor. Sutures are placed where the incisions were made and should dissolve within a few weeks.
Some of Dr. Fazilat’s patients also have their labiaplasty surgery combined with other procedures, such as breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, body lift, face lift, laser liposuction, arm lift, and thigh lift to make you look more beautiful and feel more confident.