A Mommy Makeover, also known as a mommy lift, is becoming a more popular procedure performed by Dr. Shahin Fazilat for moms who observe, especially after childbirth, that their bodies have changed in undesirable ways. For example, you may experience a protruding belly with extra loose skin and stretch marks, as well as deflated, sagging breasts after breastfeeding.
Our Approach to Mommy Makeover Procedures
During your initial consultation about a Mommy Makeover with Dr. Fazilat, he will discuss the options and alternatives in great detail. This will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you. Patients who have undergone a Mommy Makeover have often shared one or more of the following concerns or comments with Dr. Fazilat:
- “I wish my breasts looked and felt the way they were before.”
- “I liked the size of my breasts when I was breastfeeding.”
- “I can’t seem to tighten my abdomen, regardless of how much I work out.”
- “My stomach just doesn’t look the same anymore.”
- “I wish I didn’t have these ugly stretch marks.”